ჭდე: Equality Movement

Activist Camp: Developing Stress Resilience in LGBTQ+ Activists 2024

At the initiative of the Equality Movement and with the financial support…

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Equality Movement — Review of December, 2023

Equality Movement is a queer organization whose goal is to promote the…

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Alla Parunova: Us, Queers, Are Not a Group Torn Out of the Society, We Are a Part of It

My personality cannot be boiled down only to queerness, only to femininity,…

ხატია ღოღობერიძე

Equality Movement — Review of November, 2023

Equality Movement is a queer organization whose goal is to support the…

შოთა ფუტკარაძე

HIV Self-Tests for Grindr Users —New Service from the Equality Movement

Grindr users will be able to order HIV self-tests, condoms and lubricants…


What Services Does Equality Movement Have for Queers?

Local community organizations work to create equal and safe social, political and…
