April Media was founded on April 25, 2023, by Nana Gobejishvili, Shota Putkaradze, Khatia Ghoghoberidze, Giorgi Baskhajauri, and Mariam (Gabi) Gabelaia.

Our principles and values are rooted in respecting human rights. We are fighting for equality and diversity. We are protecting constitutional rights and we are opposed to discrimination. We believe that each human being is equal, regardless their sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnic or religious backgrounds and so on.

Aprili Media’s journalistic product will be aimed towards these principles. On our website, the reader can view analytic and explorative resources, read blogs, get to know people that have contributed greatly to activism (and not only), hear thematic news, and relax with the help of our Art and Entertainment section, where we will discuss books, movies, and TV shows.

Goals of our organization include reducing discrimination, raise awareness and give a platform to people who are overlooked by mainstream media. In the beginning, we will be working on improving the rightful being of LGBTQIA+ members and women. As for the future, we plan to depict the topics that are significant to every minority group in Georgia and the whole region more widely.

You can follow April Media on every form of social media popular in Georgia: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter.


Our Team

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One of the founders and the head editor of April Media. Since 2009, she has actively been working in journalism. She has reported on parliamentary and government meetings, legal processes, demonstrations and their dispersals… basically, everything that has been happening in Georgia in the last couple years. She does not want to completely give up on political news, but she likes working in the human rights field more than anything else. Recently, she has actively been working on the topics concerning representation of women and LGBTQIA+ community.
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Shota, a feminist activist, is a journalist and a co-founder of April Media. For more than ten years, he has been working on online education, and enrichment of the Georgian web. He is also a translator and an editor. His interests include gender, sexuality, sexual-reproductive health, and the rights of women and the queer community. He likes working from home and fried potatoes.
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Giorgi is a co-founder of April Media and a journalist. He likes literature, theatre, cinema, and writing about them. However, these are not his only interests. In the last two years, he has actively been creating journalistic product about the rights of women and the LGBTQIA+ community.
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Gabi is one of the founders of April Media, and also our social media manager. She is interested in everything that concerns and worries Gen Z. She likes having fun, is always online and provides us with fresh trends.
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Nana is a media researcher and a co-founder of April Media. Her interests include queer-feminist activism, and representation of minority groups with the purpose of creating an equal social and political environment for every member of society. Nana is the member of our group who thinks more than she speaks.
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Tamuna is our editor. She has been actively working in journalism for seven years and was fully involved in the chaos of political news. She has reported on many demonstrations, has been there midst water jets and tear gas, and to this day, cannot give up on the intense environment of the news. She devotes a lot of energy to fighting against the Russian misinformation and propaganda. She likes music, dancing and every-thing. Despite having a busy schedule, she tries to find time to travel. Discoveries make her happy.

Editorial Code

April Media works according to the principles of the Charter of Journalistic Ethics. While working on different topics, our main principle is “do not harm”. We also have an editorial code, which every employee of April Media is obliged to follow.

Accuracy – we write about facts based on sources and exact data. Journalistic product created by us is confirmed, balanced and verified. We are against the distortion and misinterpretation of facts on purpose. When we do not have enough information to depict the full picture, we are honest about it with the reader.

Fairness – we only use fair methods to gather information. We respect people’s confidentiality and do not reveal the sources. We do not publicize the information given by a person without their approval, and do not use secret recordings, unless highly demanded by the public. We do not accept bribe, and do work on “ordered” articles to make this or that person look good or bad.

Transparency – we will be transparent regarding the sources of our funding, and the advertising material. Any advertisement will have an appropriate indication, so that the audience can easily tell apart editorial and funded articles and make informed decisions.

Editorial independence – we do not belong to any political party and are free of both political and commercial influences. Our approach towards facts is impartial and takes the diversity of opinions into account. Decisions made by the editorial board are not affected by their or outside interests.

Personal privacy – we do not publicize information on the private lives of others, unless this person wishes and approves of it, or there is a high public demand for it. We believe that public interest is different from the curiosity of humans, and our goal is to spread information that satisfies the interest of the public.

Unacceptability of discrimination – it is our obligation not to discriminate humans based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, religious or ethnic backgrounds. More than that, it is our goal to fight against discrimination.

Freedom of expression – we respect the freedom of expression and believe, that everybody has the right to express themselves freely. This is true for our employees; the only exception is discriminative speech. We do not collaborate with people who discriminate others in one way or the other.

Diversity – we depict the diversity that exists in the society and will try to raise awareness about the fact that people are different, but still equal.

Reporting on children – we will report on children in an especially careful way, using the “do not harm” principle. We will work on ensuring children’s emotional and physical well-being.

Plagiarism – plagiarism is unacceptable for us. We use photos, videos, or texts from other medias only if it becomes impossible to get this information in another way.  In these cases, the sources will be stated, and we expect the same approach from our colleagues.

Accountability – despite the loyalty of ethical principles, journalists can make mistakes. We are open to fair criticism and take responsibility to our mistakes. We will admit our mistakes, and in case of spreading misinformation, we will correct it in an appropriate manner and do not hide information regarding it. You can address us at our e-mail: [email protected]. We will review your statements in the time of seven work days.



The editorial code has been prepared based on the principles of the Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics, Editorial codes of BBC and Reuters and personal experiences of the April Media team.


The European Endowment for Democracy
Women's Fund in Georgia
Open Society Georgia Foundation