Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) — Review of March, 2024

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Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) is the first organization in Georgia that focuses on the empowerment of lesbian, bisexual women and transgender people. Today, the organization is a leading expert in LGBT issues and has gained the trust of both local and international governmental and non-governmental actors. The organization’s mission is to popularize feminist ideas, promote the development of women’s activism and the formation of a safe environment where sexism and homo/bi/transphobia are recognized as social problems at the cultural, social, legal and political levels.

Here is the review of Women’s Initiatives Support Group for March, 2024.

  • The organization’s main event in March was the feminist film festival “From Rosa to Simone“, which took place on March 8, 9 and 10 at Mutant Radio. The 2024 festival was devoted to the sadness, anger, questions, discoveries and joy, and united 13 film screenings, 2 multimedia exhibitions and various musical performances in 3 days.

  • On March 31st, Trans Day of Visibility, WISG shared with the public four video essays from its ongoing project “Trans Narratives: Non-Binary Stories” about the memories and dreams of transfeminist activist Nata Talikishvili. You can view the video-essay on the updated web platform of the organization.
  • The organization is looking for a new team member, a project assistant, who will be involved in both logistical and creative work. The application can be sent up to and including April 2.

In April, the organization has planned the following activities:

  • In cooperation with WISG, “Modern Dance Festival” will be held in Tbilisi from April 9 to 15, within the framework of which classes of the Gaga system created by the famous choreographer Ohad Naharin and a workshop of the Afrofuturist movement will be held. The workshop will be led by teacher and dancer from New York, Shamel Pitts. The project is held out together with dancer and choreographer Natia Chikvaidze and “Platforma Plasma”.
  • In April, the organization plans to present the research conducted last year. Details about the time and place of the event will be announced later on the WISG social media channels.
  • In April, WISG is planning a video shoot as part of a collaborative project with artist Iamnikita, which will be presented in May.