Temida — Review of November, 2023


The queer association Temida is a queer-activist, left-wing, trans community organization that organizes, works and fights to create a safe, equal and dignified political, legal and social environment for trans and queer people.

We present to you a review of November, 2023 for Temida.

  • Within the framework of the “Bianca” project, which Temida is implementing with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in order to better understand the trans* struggle, the organization held a trans-conference, Life Beyond Existence, in November.
  • Also in November, they published A Practical Guide for Trans and Gender Non-Conforming People. The publication reviews current name and gender marker change practices in Georgia, trans health care services, and other useful information that can help trans people with gender affirmation. In November, Temida also published a publication about sexually transmitted infections. The publication discusses common STDs, their symptoms, prevention, and treatment information in an FAQ format. These publications were published in the form of a booklet and they can be picked up in the community centers in Tbilisi and Batumi. Publications are also included with HIV self-testing and prevention kit, T-PACK from Temida on Selftest.ge.
  • Temida held a meeting about medical abortion, which was implemented within the framework of the “Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Trans* People” project, funded by the Women’s Fund. This was the first in a series of informational meetings that will address sexual and reproductive health issues and aim to raise awareness among trans* people.
  • In November, the organization’s social media posted several videos and informational posters prepared within the framework of the “Dignified Employment Is Our Right” campaign, which informs employers and employees about their rights, dignified working conditions, the importance of anti-discrimination policies at the workplace, and tips that are important for creating an inclusive and equal work environment. The project was implemented with the support of the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Informational posters and videos can be found on Temida’s Facebook and Instagram pages.

In addition, it should be noted that in November, the first HR Congress was held in Georgia, in which the queer association Temida also participated. The organization shared information with attendees about the challenges queer people face when looking for work and in the workplace. The main topic of the congress was – People at the Center of Business Strategy as an Answer to the Talent Challenge. The event was attended by representatives of large businesses, public, private and non-governmental sectors, donor organizations and the media. The organizer of the congress held on December 1 was the Association of HR Professionals.

The congress aimed to bring together organizations working on labor rights in one space to promote businesses and employment, to discuss the challenges of attracting and retaining young jobseekers. Also, discussing diversity, equity and inclusion issues in the workplace, and talking about global trends.

Temida team participated in the exhibition, which was held at the same time as the panel discussions in the congress space. In addition, the spokesperson of the organization, Polo Kebadze, participated in the panel discussion —  Gen Z Panel | New Wave.