Temida — Review of December, 2023


The queer association Temida is a queer-activist, left-wing trans community organization that organizes, works and fights to create a safe, equal, dignified political, legal, and social environment for trans and queer people.

Here is the overview of Temida for December 2023:

  • In December, the queer association held peer-to-peer individual counseling sessions for members of the trans* community, allowing them to receive the desired information about gender-affirming procedures, and other trans* health issues from someone who is also a member of the trans* community, and has the ability to along with relevant knowledge and information, share their personal experiences with other members of the community. The service will be available in January as well. For detailed information, you can see and fill out the registration form. This activity is carried out within the framework of the project, Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Trans* People, supported by the Women’s Fund.
  • Within the framework of the same project, on December 21, Temida held an informational meeting for members of the trans* community, Gender Affirmation Hormone Therapy, which was led by an invited endocrinologist. Within the framework of the meeting, the invited specialist provided the audience with information regarding the start of hormone therapy, its effects, potential medical risks, and other important issues. Two more informational meetings on sexual and reproductive health and rights will be held in January. You can follow the organization’s Facebook and Instagram pages for information on events.
  • On December 22, the organization in collaboration with the KHIDI club presented the last performance at the new queer event series KOSA SHOWCASE by the queer collective, LEASH COMMUNAL. More than a thousand members and supporters of the queer community attended the event. KOSA SHOWCASE was created within the framework of a project by Temida, called Bianca, and brings together drag queens and performers who talk about various social and political topics, community challenges and needs in their performances. The project is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Georgia.
  • Temida signed a memorandum of cooperation with NeoLab clinic. As a result of the collaboration between the clinic and the organization, members of the trans community have the opportunity to receive friendly gender-affirming hormone therapy services. Trans people can apply to the organization for services through this form.