ჭდე: sexual harassment

“A Simple Joke” | How Propagandistic Media Harms Women, Queers, and Even Men

"I'm drawing a naked woman with one hand, I'm holding it with…

Shaming, Emotional Manipulation, Threats, Belittling, and More — What Is Sexual Coercion

The article has been prepared based on the following sources: Healthline

Ramishvili sexually harassed Gachechiladze — what is written in the Public Defender’s resolution

The public defender established the fact of sexual harassment of Anania Gachechiladze…

“An Abuser Can Even Be a Partner” — What Is Consent and Why It Is Necessary

When we went to his place, I don't know what happened, but…

Sexual Harassment at Work – What Can I Do and How Should I Act?

Workplace sexual harassment takes many different forms. It can come from a…