Work of Women and Non-Binary Activists – 4 Stories

Human rights defenders fight against human rights violations individually or collectively with…

გიორგი ბასხაჯაური

Sexual Harassment at Work – What Can I Do and How Should I Act?

Workplace sexual harassment takes many different forms. It can come from a…

შოთა ფუტკარაძე

What Is Menstrual Leave and Why Is It Important?

"I have dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, and my periods have been painful from the…


Working to Survive in Spite of Danger — Discrimination on the Grounds of SOGI

Harassment, discrimination and oppression of people on the grounds of their gender…


What You Should Know About Maternity Leave – Law and Practice

“I had no other income. My maternity leave was not paid. My…

ხატია ღოღობერიძე

What Is Home Labor and What Are Women’s Experiences?

Playing house, cooking, cleaning, taking care of children or other kinds of…
